Isotonic Regression: A Simple Yet Powerful Tool for Monotonic Relationships

4 min readSep 18, 2024


In the realm of machine learning and statistics, most of us are familiar with classic models like linear regression, logistic regression, and decision trees. But what if we encounter data that must follow a particular order or trend? How do we model data that needs to maintain monotonicity, where increasing one variable should consistently lead to increases (or decreases) in another? This is where isotonic regression comes into play.

In this article, we’ll dive into what isotonic regression is, how it works, and the scenarios in which it can be effectively used.

What Is Isotonic Regression?

Isotonic regression is a non-parametric regression technique that enforces a monotonic relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. In simpler terms, it ensures that the output of your model will either never decrease (non-decreasing isotonic regression) or never increase (non-increasing isotonic regression), depending on the relationship you expect in the data.

This makes isotonic regression especially useful in cases where the relationship between the variables is expected to follow a particular trend or order, but the exact form of this relationship is unknown.

Mathematically Speaking:

For a dataset of n points (x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xn,yn) isotonic regression finds the fitted values y¹,y²,…,y^n such that:

  • Non-decreasing case: y¹≤y²≤⋯≤y^n
  • Non-increasing case: y¹≥y²≥⋯≥y^n

The fitted values y^i are computed by minimizing the sum of squared differences between the observed values yi and the fitted values y^i, subject to the monotonicity constraint. In mathematical terms, the objective is to minimize:


subject to the monotonicity condition (either non-decreasing or non-increasing).

Why Use Isotonic Regression?

Isotonic regression is particularly useful in domains where the output variable is expected to follow a clear upward or downward trend. Here are a few use cases where isotonic regression shines:

  1. Dose-Response Curves in Biological Studies: In biological or pharmaceutical studies, increasing doses of a drug are typically expected to yield increasing or decreasing responses. Isotonic regression ensures that the model follows this trend without allowing for unexpected fluctuations or outliers to disturb the monotonicity.
  2. Calibration Models: In machine learning, isotonic regression is often used to calibrate probability predictions. For instance, after training a classifier, you may use isotonic regression to adjust the raw prediction probabilities to better reflect their true likelihoods.
  3. Economic Data: In economics, trends like supply and demand, price and consumption, or inflation over time are expected to follow consistent monotonic relationships. Isotonic regression can smooth out noisy data while maintaining the general trend.
  4. Ranking Systems: In ranking systems, you may want to ensure that certain features or scores maintain an order (e.g., higher scores should always lead to better rankings). Isotonic regression can help enforce this ordering.

How Does Isotonic Regression Work?

Isotonic regression uses an efficient algorithm called the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm (PAVA) to compute the fitted values. The idea behind PAVA is simple:

  • Start by assuming that the observed values yi​ themselves are the fitted values.
  • Check if any adjacent values violate the monotonicity condition.
  • If a violation occurs (e.g., y^​i​>y^​i+1​ in the non-decreasing case), “pool” the adjacent violating values by averaging them.
  • Repeat this process until all violations are corrected.


Let’s consider a simple dataset where y=[3,2,4,6,5] and we want to fit a non-decreasing isotonic regression model.

  1. The initial data points are: [3,2,4,6,5].
  2. The first violation occurs between the first two values 3>2 , so we average them: (3+2)/2 = 2.5.
  3. Now, the fitted values become [2.5,2.5,4,6,5].
  4. The next violation occurs between 6>5 , so we average them: (6+5)/2=5.5.
  5. Finally, the fitted values become [2.5,2.5,4,5.5,5.5] ensuring that the fitted curve is non-decreasing.

Isotonic Regression in Action (Python Example)

Let’s see how isotonic regression can be implemented in Python using the scikit-learn library:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression

# Sample data
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.array([2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10]) # Not strictly increasing

# Create Isotonic Regression model
ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing=True)
y_isotonic = ir.fit_transform(x, y)

# Plot original data and isotonic fit
plt.scatter(x, y, label='Original data')
plt.plot(x, y_isotonic, label='Isotonic fit', color='red')

In this example, you can visualize how isotonic regression transforms a noisy dataset into a smooth, non-decreasing trend. The original data fluctuates, but the isotonic fit maintains a consistent upward trend.

Advantages of Isotonic Regression

  • Preserves expected trends: If you know that the relationship between variables should be monotonic, isotonic regression guarantees this, unlike traditional linear regression which may not respect this constraint.
  • Simple yet flexible: Despite being a simple model, isotonic regression is flexible enough to handle complex data without overfitting.
  • Reduces variance: By enforcing monotonicity, isotonic regression smooths out irregularities and reduces variance in the model.

When Not to Use Isotonic Regression

While isotonic regression is powerful, it’s not suitable for every problem. Here are a few scenarios where isotonic regression may not be the right choice:

  • Data doesn’t follow a monotonic trend: If the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is not strictly increasing or decreasing, isotonic regression will force an unrealistic trend onto the data.
  • Overly simplistic model: Since isotonic regression produces a piecewise constant function, it might not capture complex, non-monotonic relationships in the data.




Written by KoshurAI

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