Demystifying Logistic Regression for Binary Classification


2 min readNov 4, 2023

In the realm of machine learning and statistics, Logistic Regression is a powerful tool for solving binary classification problems. Despite its name, it isn’t used for regression but for classification. In this article, we’ll explore the workings of logistic regression, understand the key components, and provide a real-world example to demonstrate its applicability.

Understanding Logistic Regression:

At its core, Logistic Regression predicts the probability that a given input belongs to a specific class (usually binary: yes/no, spam/not spam, etc.). It achieves this by employing the sigmoid function to transform a linear combination of input features into a value between 0 and 1.

The Sigmoid Function:

The sigmoid function, often denoted as S(z), plays a pivotal role in logistic regression. It’s defined as:

S(z) = 1 / (1 + e^(-z))

Here, ‘z’ represents the linear combination of input features and model coefficients. The sigmoid function “squashes” any real-valued number into the range [0, 1], which can be interpreted as a probability.

The Linear Combination:

The linear combination, denoted as ‘z,’ is computed using the equation:

z = b0 + (b1 * x1) + (b2 * x2) + ... + (bn * xn)

Here’s what each element represents:

  • ‘z’ is the linear combination of input features.
  • ‘b0’ is the bias or intercept term.
  • ‘b1, b2, …, bn’ are coefficients associated with each feature.
  • ‘x1, x2, …, xn’ are the input features.

Prediction Probability:

The heart of logistic regression lies in calculating the probability that the input belongs to the positive class (class 1). This probability, denoted as ‘P(Y=1|X)’, is calculated as:

P(Y=1|X) = 1 / (1 + e^(-z))


To make a binary classification decision, we must set a threshold (usually 0.5). If ‘P(Y=1|X)’ is greater than or equal to this threshold, the input is classified as belonging to class 1; otherwise, it’s classified as belonging to class 0.


Logistic regression is trained by adjusting the coefficients (b0, b1, b2, …, bn) using optimization algorithms such as gradient descent to minimize a cost function (e.g., log-likelihood or cross-entropy loss) with respect to the model parameters.

A Real-World Example:

Let’s consider a practical scenario where logistic regression shines. Imagine a credit card company trying to predict whether a credit card application should be approved or denied. The company can use logistic regression to assess various factors (income, credit score, employment history, etc.) to make a decision.

In this example:

  • Input features (X) include credit score, income, and employment history.
  • The target variable (Y) is whether the application is approved (1) or denied (0).
  • The model learns the coefficients and bias (b0, b1, b2, etc.) through training, and the sigmoid function calculates the probability of approval based on these factors.


Logistic Regression is a fundamental yet powerful method for binary classification problems. By understanding its inner workings and key components, we can see how it’s used in real-world scenarios. This versatile tool is widely applied in fields such as finance, healthcare, and marketing, making it a must-know for any data scientist or machine learning enthusiast.




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